Thursday, 6 January 2011

Primary and Secondary Colours

This exercise required me to find scenes - or parts of a scene - that were each dominated by a single one of the primary (red, yellow and blue) and secondary (green, orange and violet) colours. The idea was to match the colour and to do this I took three shots of each subject by making one exposure at the normal setting and then one at half a stop brighter and the other at half a stop darker.

Depending on the colour, I had more success with some and less with others when it came to finding a perfect match. For example, the primary colours seemed to come out reasonably well whichever exposure setting I used whereas the secondary colours less so. In addition, I had tremendous trouble trying to find a good match for violet.

The subjects I chose were as follows:

Red: Postbox
Yellow: Flower
Blue: Jeans hanging
Green: Foliage
Orange: Clementines still life
Violet: Grace's Ukelele

Photographs for the exercise are on my Flikr account.


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